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    Natural Bee Removal: It’s Easier Than You Think

    While we wish bees weren’t present around the places we like to stay, we understand that they are an important part of the ecosystem. There would be no honey without bees. A lot of flowers would go unpollinated. So, while we’d like them to leave, we really don’t want to harm them. Luckily, there are safe and effective ways to keep them out of the area without doing them harm. Bee removal may require a professional in some cases; however, there are many activities you can take on yourself to get rid of them from your yard. Here’s a short list of things you can try to get rid of them while also keeping them alive. These methods are all natural.

    Using Vinegar

    Vinegar is excellent for repelling bees. They can’t stand the smell of it. Us humans aren’t too keen on the smell either. It’s a rather simple remedy that’ll keep the bees away from your yard for a long time. Simply take a spray bottle and add equal parts vinegar as you do water. Then, spray it around the areas where bees like to hang out the most. Bees are often attracted to the flowers in your yard. Spraying a little bit of vinegar on them won’t harm them. It’s a good idea to also spray it around the hive where bees hang out.

    Try Repelling Bees with Plants

    While bees certainly can’t get enough of flowers, there are certain plants they like to stay away from. If you’re worried about the vinegar damaging your flowers, which they won’t unless there is a lot of it, then it might be time to consider these plants to put in your yard. Some plants that are effective bee repellants include eucalyptus, cilantro, and mint. Bees can’t find their dinner in them, and the smell of the plant repels them a lot. Natural bee removal with these plants is a cheap and effective way of removing bees and keeping them away for a long time.

    Using Cinnamon

    While we certainly like the smell of cinnamon, bees do not. You can do this two ways. You can make a solution of water and cinnamon and spray it around the hive with a spray bottle, or you can sprinkle raw cinnamon around the hive with your hand. It’s good for natural bee removal because bees can’t stand the smell of it. Repeat adding cinnamon around the beehive for around a week and the bees should relocate to another area.

    It Isn’t Necessary to Hurt the Bees

    There are natural and effective alternative to getting rid of bees that don’t involve killing them. While a bee sting is quite unpleasant, living in an ecosystem without them is even more so. You may not be able to do all the work yourself. It can be sometimes necessary to hurt the bees to get them to move or even kill them. Hiring a professional bee removal company may be needed in extreme cases. Be sure to get rid of them with care.