• friendly bee removal services

    What Is A Friendly Bee Removal Service?

    Even for those that do not have apiphobia (an extreme fear of bees), discovering a colony or swarm close to your home can make many people feel a bit uncomfortable. After all, average established hives could be housing more than 50,000 bees. Fortunately, when a hive needs to be moved, there is such a thing as a friendly bee removal service. Bee relocation or live bee removals are becoming a lot more common, which could help to ease your conscience.

    Keep reading to find out when and why live bee removal is a worthwhile consideration when endangered honey bees have decided to hang around or in your home.

    Why Are Established Bee Colonies Problematic Around Or In Your Home?

    While “live and let live” is the best approach when possible, if you allow a colony of bees to carry on growing in or around your home, it could lead to problems. Bees are known for nesting in ingresses like wall cavities, chimneys, utility boxes, water meters, or even under a deck. If it is an area that you regularly access, you could be at risk of angering the bees that are trying to protect their home.

    The heavy hives and nesting habits can also result in honey and wax stains, damp problems, or even holes in your drywall. Painful stings, honey stains, and tiny holes are all indications that it is time to call in a professional bee removal company.

    What Are The Benefits Of A Friendly Bee Removal Service

    Live bee removals are linked to several benefits:

    – The process is humane

    – In a safer location, the bees can continue to produce honey and pollinate

    – There won’t be any need for harmful or potentially dangerous pesticides

    – Removing the hive completely, will decrease the likelihood of attracting new bees to the area

    – You won’t have to worry about agitated bees trying to fly away from a pesticide application

    What Does A Live Bee Removal Typically Involve?

    Bee removal professionals will use different techniques, according to their preferences, expertise, and the behavior and location of the colony. Accurately locating the hive will be the initial step. Pinpointing the exact location will minimize damages to your structures when they access the nest.

    A hole may need to be cut into a structure or a wall to gain access to the colony. Some technicians will use smoke to keep the bees calm, followed by using a vacuum that gently extracts the bees into a bee box. Other options include trap-outs that will encourage the bees to move to a mobile hive which is more humane and less invasive. Once the bees fly into their temporary hive, they won’t be able to return to the nest. However, this process requires patience and could take many weeks for the entire colony to completely move over.

    If you would like to find out more about our friendly bee removal services, give us a call today. We are happy to answer any questions or concerns you might have about bees or a hive close to your home.